Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Fun!!!! :D

So, today, I woke up at 7:00 to go on a hike with some people from my ward.  We hiked up to Squaw Peak which is just barely up the canyon.  And when I say peak, I mean peak.  I don't think I have ever climbed up to a mountain top that high!  It was so cool!  The hike, one way, is 4 miles, making the hike a total of 8 miles, which is a LONG way!  When we reached the top, I could see all of Utah Valley and Utah Lake plus a bit of the Salt Lake Valley.  Home didn't seem quite so far away from on top of the mountain.

After I got home, I cleaned my dorm with my roomies.  Okay, that wasn't so fun.  Then we had a family home evening activity; it was the first one with our groups.  At first it was kind of awkward because no one really knew how to act, then we got talking and it was really fun!  I think I'm going to really like it. :)


  1. "Home didn't seem quite so far away..." brought a smile to my face! I think about you every day, BUT I am happy you are where you are!

    On another note, I remember when you gave yourself your nickname. It was the same year I taught a little girl named "Nani" in the second grade. She thought it was pretty neat that you called yourself by her name! Love Ya Tons!

  2. Sounds like you are in to all the good things
    all ready. I hope you enjoy your roomies. Mine were fun and so were the ones who lived in the apt across from us, but we did have some "interesting" occurances a time or two!
    Love You! Aunt Ruthie
