Monday, September 12, 2011

BYU vs. Utah Tickets!

So, I got my first home football game tickets today for Saturday's game! :D  I'm sooooo excited!  And, on top of that, it's the BYU vs. Utah game!!!!!!!!!  That is the biggest game of the entire year!

Anyway, that's all the news I have on that subject for the moment.  So, now to the updates:

On Wednesday, we went up in the mountains to a retreat for Living Legends.  When we got there, we played a whole bunch of different games.  My favorite one was the telephone charade game.  It's the same concept as telephone, but instead of whispering a saying in the next person's ear, you have to act something out.  One of the things we had to act out was going down a slide.  By the time it reached the end of the line, people were acting out the Thriller dance! 

After playing games, we listened to speakers and then had an amazing dinner of barbeque pulled pork (yum!!!) and listened to a BYU professor talk about Nauvoo.  She told some interesting stories about the place.  One story she told was how Nauvoo, before it was Commerce, was called Venus.  The reason it was called Venus was because people went there looking for love, and I don't mean the find-your-soul-mate-and-get-married love.  That sure gives you a new perspective on the town!

For Living Legends we are learning the Fancy Dance, which, for those unfamiliar with Native American dancing, is the dance with the really pretty shawls.  This dance has always been by favorite.  I have wanted to learn this dance since I was a kid.  It's really fun, but it's also really hard!  When practicing, I always try to get the really pretty pink, torquoise, and purple shawl because that one is my favorite.

All-in-all, it's been a really fun week!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Fun!!!! :D

So, today, I woke up at 7:00 to go on a hike with some people from my ward.  We hiked up to Squaw Peak which is just barely up the canyon.  And when I say peak, I mean peak.  I don't think I have ever climbed up to a mountain top that high!  It was so cool!  The hike, one way, is 4 miles, making the hike a total of 8 miles, which is a LONG way!  When we reached the top, I could see all of Utah Valley and Utah Lake plus a bit of the Salt Lake Valley.  Home didn't seem quite so far away from on top of the mountain.

After I got home, I cleaned my dorm with my roomies.  Okay, that wasn't so fun.  Then we had a family home evening activity; it was the first one with our groups.  At first it was kind of awkward because no one really knew how to act, then we got talking and it was really fun!  I think I'm going to really like it. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday Update

So I was reading over my last blog post, and well, it's not very good, so I apologize for that.  I'm still trying to get used to this whole blogging thing so bear with me if my posts sound really dumb!

Anyway, for those of you who haven't already, I made it into the Living Legends group at BYU!!!!!!  Living Legends is a multicultural dance group that highlights the music and dance of Native Americans, Polynesians, and Latin Americans.  I think it's pretty obvious what section I'm in: the Native American section.  It's pretty exciting because this has been something I've wanted to do since I was young.

I went to my first rehearsal yesterday.  We got our schedules for the next year.  We have tours in November, January, and June.  We are going to the Four Corners area, Southern California, and Nauvoo, respectively.  I am so excited!!!!!!!

The Living Legends class is 3 credits, so when I added it to my schedule, I had a full schedule (18 credits).  I ended up dropping my physics class, though, because I couldn't see any way I could keep up with the busy schedule of Living Legends and my homework.  I am now back down to 15 credits which is nice and easy.  I have to admit, though, it feels really weird to go easy on my schooling.  I haven't had an easy schedule since probably junior high; I took concurrent enrollment and AP classes all throughout high school.  It doesn't feel natural for me to cut myself this much slack in school.  Kind of sad, huh?

Something fun about being in Living Legends this year is there are two other girls in the Native section that have the same name as me!  My name isn't very common so this is definitely quite the experience for me.  It gets confusing at times so we came up with nicknames for the three of us.  One is called Ty, the other Ti, and I'm called Nonni, a nickname I gave myself when I was two, before I could say my name correctly.

Well, I guess that's the biggest news that's happened this week.  As you can tell, I had a bit too much fun with the type fonts, size, and color.  I kind of just discovered them!