Saturday, August 27, 2011

My New Blog!!!!

So I decided to create a blog just to keep friends and family posted on my adventures here at good old BYU.  I came down here on Monday, but didn't move into my dorm until Wednesday.  I had a leadership conference from Monday until Wednesday, and as it would turn out, we camped for the conference, so I packed my nice clothes and everything for college, to make a good first impression or something like that, for absolutely nothing!

At the leadership conference, I was in Group 28.  28 is great!  I'm sure I will be hearing that expression all year.  Yes, I met new friends which made the next few days on campus less scary.

I guess moving out is more difficult than I ever imagined.  It's not the I-have-to-pay-for-everything-myself that's scary.  It's the fact that I have to start completely over in my social life that is quite intimidating.  As the only one from my high school class attending BYU, I know hardly anyone!  Luckily for me, I attended a program here last year, so I know some people from that.

My plan this year is to just get involved in the activities here at the Y.  I know of several service opportunities here on campus.  I might try a few of them out.  One of them is helping disabled people how to swim.  I figured I might like doing this because I liked teaching swim lessons this summer.

Well, it's the beginning of the year and I am just going to make the most of it!


  1. Goodluck!

    BYU is realy a special place. I miss it there. Be sure to take advantage of lectures on campus and that amazing amazing library. Learn how to check out books and use the system early! I didn´t really learn how until I was an upperclassman.

    goooood luck!!

  2. So glad you are blogging, now KEEP IT UP ! It will be a good journal for you. Love ya ! BTW, I'm linking your blog to my blog :O)
